Information Security Policy

Data centre operations demand and promote the integration of processes and procedures that rely on the possibilities of communication and information technology (IT). Functioning and secure IT processes are the central basis for the performance of the data centre and its administration. Last but not least, secure IT processes are a basic prerequisite for all data protection measures, which must be implemented especially when processing personal data.

Under these conditions, information security is of great importance, which necessitates the development and implementation of a framework policy on information security. On this basis, services are provided to our clientele in the areas of research, teaching, health care, public health, education, training and technology transfer.

Our information security concept of GWDG is described in the “Information Security Policy of the Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen mbH” (short Information Security Policy or ISRL).

The Information Security Policy came into force on 10.01.2022 by resolution of the management and is available as a PDF file (a summary is available as a PDF file, too). Please note: The legally binding form is the German version.